Monthly Archives: May 2013

Revamped telephone table

Beaux- (Craft project)

Recently I saw this retro telephone table out on the road side for free pick up.
I love the shape of it and I bundled it into my car.

I used tin foil and masking tape to protect the brown vinyl seat.
Then I sprayed it a powder blue colour called “Creation Blue”
If you live in Australia, the cheapest place by far to buy spray paint in “Super Cheap Auto. ”
The paint was $3.50 a can. Then I went back to get more and it was $2.50 a can. Bonus!!!

I sprayed the wood with a few coats of this gorgeous retro blue.

I went to a perspex shop and got some little square perspex (plastic) samples in all sorts of colours.

I glued these on and got an old 1950s picture and cut it into a circle shape. I stuck these on.

This is a good colour combo to do as well.

Ultimately, I would like white washed floor boards (as seen above) to photograph the finished product.

Especially for this little one above.
This was my next piece of furniture. Also a road side throw out that my lovely friend Claire spotted for me.
I sprayed this buttercup yellow and stuck perspex squares on and a little birthday card I kept.

I dry brushed the sides with rough paint and had a piece of thick glass cut for the top.

Such fun revamping old furniture. I highly recommend it to give a splash of colour to your house.

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